Thanks to Equiglobal, we're walking much better now! I've had my two goats on BTB Plus for a few months now. We (3 vets and I) treated them with everything under the sun it seems. They are doing much better now. At present I have them on 10 ml of BTB … [Read more...] about Homer and Jethrow
Odessey and Shannon Peters
"I use Spooky Mash for my horse Odyssey, that is a VERY picky eater, and he loves it!! The ingredients are just perfect for hydration, nutrition and taste for a nice addition to his Speedi-Beet!" - Shannon Peters, USDF … [Read more...] about Odessey and Shannon Peters
Helping the “Big Guy”
I put my Big Guy on Immuzim 2 weeks ago and have seen a huge jump ahead with the healing of the scratches. When I read about it I found something else I liked, in that it helps repair tissue after surgery. It had certainly helped with Big Guy's … [Read more...] about Helping the “Big Guy”
Fibre-Beet® Facts
Fibre-Beet What is Fibre-Beet and how does it work? Increasingly the nutrition of the horse is becoming more widely understood and accepted, and the benefits of maximising fibre intake have been well received. More high fibre mixes are being … [Read more...] about Fibre-Beet® Facts
Fibre-Beet® keeps our ponies hydrated and happy!
Heather and David Schneider, Wind Chase Farms “Keeping hard working ponies in peek condition can be tricky. Too much fizz can be a real problem and living in the SouthEast, we have difficulties keeping our hay supply consistent. With the … [Read more...] about Fibre-Beet® keeps our ponies hydrated and happy!
Thank You Emerald Valley
Emerald Valley Equine and Amanda, I want to thank you for introducing me to Speedi-Beet. Last spring I started all of my horses on Speedi-Beet in hopes of increasing their hydration and cutting down on colic symptoms that each of our horses had … [Read more...] about Thank You Emerald Valley
Speedi Beet® Facts
Speedi-Beet vs. Beet Pulp Speedi-Beet is beet pulp reinvented, essentially it has gone through a process forcing the fibres apart and extracting 95% of the sugars, making it a much healthier product for horses. Speedi-Beet is 95% sugar-free and … [Read more...] about Speedi Beet® Facts
Bob, the pig with attitude!
Thank you!!! Everyone who loves Bob is so pleased....especially his veterinarian, Dr. Tim Holt, at the CSU Vet Teaching Hospital, who recommended your product, BTB Plus, to begin with. I will send you a more formal thank you but wanted to thank you … [Read more...] about Bob, the pig with attitude!
Buzz joined the Callaghan family in January 2009. At that time he was barefoot for the winter and come summer his feet were a horrible mess. Buzz is a stocky Canadian Warmblood and due partially to his size, the hoof walls were crumbling at the … [Read more...] about Buzz
Chance’s speedy recovery
To whom it may concern: I hope you can use the story of my horse's miraculous recovery from a serious injury due to great care and your product Formula4 Feet. On February 25th, 2009, a person threw a brick through the back of my husbands truck … [Read more...] about Chance’s speedy recovery