When my warmblood gelding began losing shoes and hoof wall, I knew I needed to do something fast! Typically he has great feet, but they had become shelly and the sole was thin and soft. After doing research on various foot supplements, we selected Formula 4 Feet and Solution 4 Feet.
I have been using both Formula 4 Feet and Solution 4 Feet since September 2010, and I have personally witnessed astonishing results. Their hooves are growing extremely well, the soles are tough, and we are no longer having the same problems with losing shoes. I put all of my horses on both products. Not only have I seen stronger, more solid hooves, but their coats gleam, their tails are strong and thick, and they seem generally happier. I will always provide Formula 4 Feet and Solution 4 Feet for every horse in my barn.
Prowler- Advanced horse, Rolex CCI4* – Spring 2011, Hooves are growing faster. Better coat quality and tail growth.
Wolf – Preliminary horse aiming for 2* this fall. Much better hoof quality and thicker, tougher sole
Uptown Higgins – Preliminary horse, Better hoof growth and less sensitivity in the sole. Typically had slow growing thoroughbred feet and thin soles.
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