He had a cresty neck, fat deposits and was lethargic.

McCoy Before

McCoy After
I am truly amazed at the difference in McCoy. He has been transformed in a very short time. I didn’t realize the subtle signs that were there until now. His coat was orange and long and he had extreme sweating. He had a cresty neck, fat deposits and was lethargic. His hair coat shed out in 2 weeks and excessive sweating and urination have stopped. The farrier said that McCoy has a better attitude and is more limber. We went on a trail ride last week with friends on the High Bridge Trail in Virginia. He was energetic and performed very well. I will be keeping him on Evitex for the rest of his life. I am going to put my older cushings horse that has been on pergolide for years on the Evitex and see what happens to him.
Happy trails.
Marilyn Z & McCoy, Virginia
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