My 12 yr old TB Jasper has been in rehab for a severe LH suspensory injury for the past 14 months. He has made tremendous progress since leaving a high pressure (and cost) rehab barn and moving to a quiet small farm where he gets to graze with sun on his back again. I have assembled a remarkable team of practitioners (acupuncture, chiropractic, and body work specialists) as well as a sports medicine/performance veterinarian, Dr Kim Henneman. A number of the therapists working on Jasper have suggested he might have hindgut ulcers— he was defensive about contact to his posterior flanks and had lost his appetite. He was slowly losing weight. He tested negative for intestinal parasites.
Dr Henneman suggested using Manuka Plus along with Gastro-Fx (by OmegaAlpha) and SandGuard. She said she had better luck clearing hindgut ulcers with this combination than with prescription pharmaceuticals. I took her advice and am thrilled to say Jasper’s appetite has returned, he’s regained weight and looks great! He’s much less defensive about being touched posteriorly.
My local equine vet, barn manager and horse friends have all signed on to use this combo of products if they find themselves in a similar situation.
I’m grateful….
Suzie K., Greenville, SC
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