“My horses have been on Evitex for two weeks now with nothing short of a miracle response. Evitex has been a lifesaver for both of my Grand Prix horses in different ways, one of my horses is only 10 and I would like to manage his Cushing’s symptoms without prescription medications. Steffen and I have our own training business plus managing our entire farm of 65 horses with three other trainers. I had nine horses on chaff hay for about 6 months, but a lot of them stopped eating it. I am going to switch all of these horses over to Speedi-Beet, and the whole-food nutritionist I use for my horses recommended Fibre-Beet. As a side note, one of my vets ordered a case of Evitex for his practice and is almost completely sold out already. He is quite impressed with the results.”
Shannon Peters
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