In Spring of 2012, my vet was thinking that my 18 year old QH mare could possibly be showing us some early signs of Cushing’s Disease. Insulin Resistance was ruled out. The results of her ACTH test showed numbers that caused my vet to be cautiously concerned. Discussions with doctors at Cornell resulted in the decision to hold off on administering any traditional medications. My vet recommended starting my mare on Evitex. He had heard of some good success stories with horses that received this supplement on a daily basis and suggested we give this a try, with hopes that levels would maintain and not increase. Since June of 2012, my mare receives a daily dose of Evitex poured over her small amount of ration balancer and has maintained acceptable ACTH levels during these last 5 years. She loves the taste and I am so happy that we never had to start her on any meds. I absolutely love this product!
-Mary Kay G, IL
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