I work with a large state-wide horse rescue, Lone Star Equine Rescue, here is Texas as well as managing a founder rehabilitation center.
In our stables, we get many, many horses that have been nutritionally deprived and.or have metabolic health issues. For the past 5 years, I have been using various supplements to correct these imbalances. Of the many great products that your company has to offer, the two that I use the most are Evitex for the mares that have strong heat cycles and other metabolic issues and have found a huge difference in their calmness and overall attitude and the Immuzim supplement. I have used Echinacea products before to help with the immune system, but your formula shows me the most dramatic results. The latest equine to come into the rehabilitation center is a 17 yr. old Andalusian. The only history we have is that she had a major uterine infection and the vet administered massive dosages of antibiotics which I believe was a contributing factor in her kidneys shutting down at which time the vet kept her alive with hydration until they were able to function again and then she severely foundered on all four feet. By the time she arrived at our facility, she was in terrible shape. It has been the worst case of founder we have encountered. The toxins in her body were so bad and her immune system so weak, even the fly bites would get infected. Her body could not fight the smallest attack of anything. Immuzim, I believe, has saved her life.
Sincerely, Leslie Davis, Kingsland, TX
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